Scientific Symposia
Talks & Keynotes
(Total of 60 oral presentations - including 15 invited talks and 12 keynotes)
Public Outreach Talks
Selected press articles are listed at the end of [this page]
- 06/2024 - Principal organiser of the symposium "Sustainable land use: biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in Mediterranean agroforestry systems" for the ECCB 2024 in Bologna, Italy.
- 07/2022 (accepted since 2020) - Principal organiser of the symposium "Overcoming implicit bias for better conservation research and practice" as the very first online symposium for the ATBC in 2022 in Cartagena, Colombia.
- 11/2021 – Co-organizer of the 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress organized by Bioversity International, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (re-watch on YouTube)
- 07/2021 - Co-organizer of the Plenary Session "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" of the ATBC DEI Committee: "Lessons Learned from the Workplace Environment Survey" - Online and available via YouTube
- 08/2019 - Co-organizer of the conference symposium Sustainable tropical agroforestry: Balancing biodiversity and crop yield through ecosystem services at the ATBC 2019 conference in Madagascar .
- 07/2018 – Principal organizer and chair of the conference symposium "Making Science Matter - from conservation research to implementation" at the ATBC 2018 conference in Kuching, Malaysia.
Talks & Keynotes
(Total of 60 oral presentations - including 15 invited talks and 12 keynotes)
- 06/2024 - Invited talk at the Ecology Tamm Seminar of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (25 June 2024): "First results from ECO-OLIVES: Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Service Management in Mediterranean Olive Cultivation Landscapes"
- 06/2024 - Talk at the ECCB conference in Bologna, Italy (17-21 June 2024): "Linking biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service management in Mediterranean olive cultivation landscapes" (see ECO-OLIVES presentations here)
- 03/2024 - Invited talk at the 10th Workshop of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group on Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity in Pisa, Italy: "First results from ECO-OLIVES: Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Service Management in Mediterranean Olive Cultivation Landscapes"
- 03/2024 - Invited keynote to International Women’s Day at the University of Hasan Prishtina in Prishtina, Kosovo: "Diverse Dynamics? Women Cultivating the Science Ecosystem" (download the recorded audio-slides, the audio-file or the slides-PDF)
- 02/2024 - Invited talk at the UNESCO CHAIR Brownbag Sessions on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas of FH Kärnten, Austria: "How can we harmonize biodiversity conservation and agriculture?"
- 06/2023 – Invited keynote at the Center for Transdisciplinary & Sustainability Sciences of IPB University, Indonesia: "Overcoming Implicit Bias in the Tropical Conservation Community for Better Research and Practice" (re-watch on YouTube; download PDF slides)
- 05/2023 – Invited talk at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Animal Ecoogy and Conservation Group Seminar) in Florence, Italy: "ECO-OLIVES: Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Service Management in Mediterranean Olive Cultivation Landscapes" (PDF slides)
- 04/2023 – Talk at the Stakeholder Workshop of ECO-OLIVES in Calci, Italy (workshop handout available via the project description site)
- 02/2023 – Invited keynote at the University of Tadulako in Palu, Indonesia: "Birds, Bats and Farms with Trees – opportunities for sustainable biodiversity management"
- 02/2023 – Invited keynote at the Bogor Agricultural University at IPB Bogor, Indonesia: "Birds, Bats and Farms with Trees – opportunities for sustainable biodiversity management" (re-watch on YouTube)
- 01/2023 – Invited talk at the BNR seminar series at IIASA, Austria: "Birds, Bats and Farms with Trees – opportunities for sustainable biodiversity management"
- 12/2022 – Talk at the BES conference in Edinburgh, Scotland (18-21 December 2022): "Divergent perceptions of farmers and scientists on biodiversity conservation and management in agriculture"
- 08/2022 – Talk at the ECCB conference in Prague, Czech Republic (22-26 August 2022): "Overcoming implicit bias in ecology and conservation publishing"
- 07/2022 – Talk at the ATBC conference in Cartagena, Colombia (10-14 July 2022): "Overcoming implicit bias in ecology and conservation publishing"
- 05/2022 - Invited keynote talk/workshop at the 1st Youth Biodiversity Conference in Hainburg, Austria: "Biodiversität schützen und nützen - wie Perspektivenvielfalt Naturschutz (in Österreich) beeinflusst". Invitation: Global Youth Biodiversity Network in Austria (
- 02/2022 - Invited talk at the Sant'Anna Scuola Universitaria Superiore Pisa in Italy for the project kick-off of ECO-OLIVES and collaborations with research partners from the EU-research project FRAMEwork
- 01/2022 - Invited talk at the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Seminar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA): "Birds, Bats and Farms with Trees – opportunities for sustainable biodiversity management". Invitation: Dr. Piero Visconti
- 11/2021 - Invited talk at the Evolutionary Zoology Seminar at the Department of Biosciences at the University of Salzburg "Birds, Bats & Cacao - Managing ecosystem services in tropical agroforestry systems". Invitation: Prof. Dr. Jan Christian Habel
- 11/2021 - Invited keynote and moderation at/of the Scientific Symposium Roundtable "Diversity on Farm and Climate Resilience for Enhancing Ecosystem Service Delivery and Maintaining Production" at the 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress (17 Nov 2021). Invitation: Chris Kettle and CGIAR/CIAT.
- 07/2021 - Invited talk for the Social Ecological System Institute (SESI) at Leuphana University, Lünerburg/Germany: “Divergent farmer and scientist perceptions of agricultural biodiversity, ecosystem services and decision-making”. Invitation: Berta Martín-López and Joern Fischer (15 July 2021)
- 06/2021 – Invited talk at the Research and Innovation Days of the European Commission: "Live Session on Biodiversity rich farming systems". Invitation: EU RI Secretariat; see EU-RI profile site (26 June 2021)
- 05/2021 – Invited talk at the round table of the EU LIFE-project OLIVARES VIVOS: "Cross-disciplinary research for sustainable agroforestry". Invitation: SEO BirdLife; Live via YouTube (25 May 2021)
- 05/2021 - Invited talk for the Emerging Issues Seminar Series of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB): “Women and Global South strikingly underrepresented among top-publishing ecologists”. Invitation: SCB and Edward Game, Editor-in Chief of Conservation Letters (19 May 2021)
- 04/2021 - Invited talk for the Technical University Munich - 11th Agricultural Science Symposium: "Diversity at all levels - Transdisciplinary approaches to agricultural sustainability" (21 April 2021). Invitation: Monika Egerer and HEF TUM
- 03/2021 - Invited talk for the Austrian Biologist Association (ABA) - Pandemievorsorge - die Lehren aus Corona: "Fledermausschutz in Zeiten von Corona" (15 March 2021). Invitation: ABA chairs
- 09/2020 - Invited talk at the Online Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), related to reception of the GfÖ Prize for outstanding achievements in ecological research: "Birds, Bats & Bugs - Implementing vertebrate and arthropod ecosystem services and interactions into conservation science and sustainable agriculture" (17 September 2020). Invitation: the GfÖ board.
- 05/2020 - Invited keynote at international research symposium on "Tropical agricultural landscapes as an opportunity for nature conservation?" [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]
- 11/2019 – Invited talk “Managing vertebrate ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes” at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, at the Ecological Research Centre (14 Nov 2019). Invitation: Prof Peter Batary.
- 11/2019 – Invited talk "Ask the Editor – editorial insights to Biological Conservation". Participative meeting at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, at the Ecological Research Centre (14 Nov 2019). Invitation: Prof Peter Batary.
- 10/2019 - Invited talk on a cacao symposium at Vrije Universiteit Brussel: “Ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry systems and beyond” (21-22 October 2019). Invitation: Prof Bram Vanschoenwinkel.
- 07/2019 - Invited talk at the interactive, transdisciplinary Agroecology Seminar “Understanding vertebrate ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes” at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) in Pisa, Italy (08-11 July 2019). Invitation: Prof Paolo Barberi and Dr. Camilla Moonen - funded by SSSA.
- 06/2019 - Invited talk at Ecology Seminar of the Agroecology Group in Göttingen, Germany. Title: “Understanding vertebrate ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes” (11-13 June 2019). Invitation: Prof. Teja Tscharntke and funded by the University of Göttingen.
- 03/2019 - Invited keynote speech "Avian Ecosystem Services - what we know and how to involve bird observatories" at the 3rd International Bird Observatory Conference in Eilat, Israel (Mar 28 - Apr 01 2019). Invitation: the conference coordinator Dr. Jessi Schäckermann on behalf of the conference committee.
- 02/2019 - Invited keynote and data analysis workshop given at the Quantitative Ecology Workshop – Yaounde, Cameroon (Jan 28-Feb 4 2019). Title of my workshop: Sustainable Agriculture & ecosystem services: quantitatively understanding the pest-eating services provided to farmers by wild birds and bats. Invitation: Dr. Luke Powell and funded by the Biodiversity Initiative.
- 09/2018 - Talk and poster contributions at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ, 10-14 Sep 2018). Title: Understanding farmers’ perceptions of ecosystem services to improve biodiversity conservation and research communication. Posters about our REGRASS project in Austria (showing responses of predators and pollinators to newly established grasslands, landscape management, and European agri-environment schemes). Full book of abstracts available here.
- 08/2018 – Invited keynote speech "Ecosystem services in tropical agroforestry - opportunities for conservation, mainstreaming, and implementation" at the International Conference on Eco-Friendly Farming and Farmland Ecology (ECO-FF, 17-19 Aug 2018 ) in Taipei/Taiwan. Invitation: /funded by the Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation (TOAF) in collaboration with Forestry Bureau of Taiwan.
- 07/2018 – Talk at the ATBC 2018 conference in Kuching, Malaysia (1-5 July 2018): "Ecosystem services in tropical agroforestry - opportunities for conservation, mainstreaming, and implementation" - funded by the University of Vienna, Austria
- 09/2017 – Invited keynote speech at the FrEE symposium at Silwood Park Campus (Imperial College London). Title: "Birds, bats and arthropods in forests and agro-ecosystems: diversity patterns, multitrophic interactions and ecosystem services". Invitation: Dr. Banks-Leite; funded by Imperial College London
- 07/2017 – Invited talk contribution at the international symposium ‘Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation’ (ATBC in Merida, Mexico). Title: "Bird and bat predation services in tropical landscapes - spatial context and abundance relationships" - funded by the University of Vienna, Austria
- 08/2016 – Invited keynote at the international workshop on 'Science and Technology for Sustainable Cacao Development' in Peru (Lima and Tarapoto). Title: Bird and bat predation services in tropical agroforestry systems - effects on crop yield and multitrophic interactions. – hosted by Bioversity International in Lima, Peru. Invitation: the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’; funded by a Fact Finding Mission provided by the DAAD Germany
- 06/2016 – Talk/booklet contribution at the international symposium ‘Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation’ (ATBC in Montpellier, France). Title: Pest predation services of birds and bats in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes. – funded by a DAAD travel grant
- 02/2016 - Talk at the annual conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö) at the University of Göttingen, Germany: "Birds, bats and wildlife-friendly farming landscapes in the tropics – global patterns and remaining challenges".
- 12/2015 - Invited talk in Taiwan: "Wildlife-friendly farming landscapes in the tropics - conservationists dream or approaching reality?" at the Endemic Species Research Institute. Invitation: Prof. Jian-Nan; funded by the Taiwan International University in Taipei
- 12/2015 - Invited talk in Taiwan: "Ecosystem services provided by birds and bats in tropical agroforestry systems - effects on multitrophic interactions and crop yields" at the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources of National Chiayi University. Invitation: Prof. Jian-Nan; funded by the Taiwan International University in Taipei
- 09/2015 - Invited talk at the Tropentag 2015 (Annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management) in Göttingen, Germany. Title: "Communication, benefit sharing and lessons learned from a 7-year research period in Indonesia". Invitation and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- 09/2015 - Talk at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfOe Annual Meeting) in Göttingen/Germany. Oral presentation on "Birds and bats in tropical agroforestry landscapes" and poster on "Forest proximity enhances avian pest suppression in cacao agroforestry landscapes". Partly funded by DAAD Germany.
- 04/2015 - Talk at the annual conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö) at ETH Zürich/Switzerland. Title: "Birds and bats in tropical agroforestry landscapes - multitrophic interactions and crop yield. - honored with a Maria Sibylla Merian award
- 10/2014 – Invited talk at the DFG side event on 'ABS and non-commercial research: Benefits and lessons learnt from collaborations' at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties (CBD/COP-MOP12) to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea. Invitation and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany
- 07/2014 – Invited talk contribution at the international symposium ‘Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation’ (ATBC in Cairns, Australia). Title: Birds and bats affect multitrophic interactions and crop yield in cacao agroforestry landscapes. Invitation: Prof. William Foster (University of Cambridge); funded by a DAAD travel grant
- 05-07/2014 – Talk series in context of own project on ‘ecosystem services and their benefits to cacao smallholders in Central Sulawesi and beyond – awareness training and cooperation on biodiversity-friendly farming practices’. Talks were given at Indonesian Universities and research institutes (e.g., IPB Bogor; Tadulako University; LIPI; KSHE) as well in workshops for cacao farmers in Central Sulawesi – distribution of books for cacao farmers (see other publications)
- 02/2014 – Talk at the University of Göttingen on ecology, ecosystem services and history of cacao cultivation in tropical countries: ‘Xocolatl - Kakao aus den Blickwinkeln antiker Mayakultur und aktueller Wissenschaft’ – Interdisciplinary talk in cooperation with J. Bluhm (founder of the NGO Fair Travel).
- 10/2013 – Talk/booklet contribution at the 146th Conference of DO-G/German Society of Ornithology (Regensburg/Germany). Title: Schädlingskontrolle insektivorer Vögel in regendwaldnahen Kakaoagroforstsystemen Zentralsulawesis (Indonesien) – honored with an DO-G young scientists award for student presentations
- 09/2013 – Talk (in German) at the ‘Beringertagung Helgoland’ of the Ornithological Research Institute IFV (Institut für Vogelforschung) on Helgoland, Germany. Title: "Vogelberingung auf Sulawesi (Indonesien) - Einblicke in 4 Jahre Forschung".
- 06/2013 – Talk/booklet contribution at the international symposium ‘Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation’ (ATBC in San José, Costa Rica). Title: Birds and bats increase crop yield in tropical agroforestry landscapes.
- 04/2013 – Talk/booklet contribution at the ‘Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology’ (gtö in Vienna, Austria). Title: Birds and bats sustain productivity in agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
- 03/2013 – Talk/booklet contribution at the ‘3rd International Bat Meeting: Bats in the Anthropocene’ (Berlin, Germany). Title: Bats in South East Asian agroforestry contribute more to cacao pest control than birds – honored with the Thomas H. Kunz award for best student´s presentation
- 02/2011 – Talk/booklet contribution at the workshop of ‘Environmental and Land-Use Change in Sulawesi, Indonesia’ (ELUC in Palu, Indonesia). Title: Functional diversity of birds and bats in agroforestry landscapes of Indonesia: biological control and seed dispersal
- 07/2010 – Talk/booklet contribution at the international symposium ‘Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation‘ (ATBC in Bali, Indonesia). Title: "Six years of habitat modification in a tropical rainforest margin do not affect bird species richness but endemic forest species - Indonesia"
- 10/2009 – Talk/booklet contribution. Title: "Six years of habitat modification in a tropical rainforest margin of Indonesia do not affect bird diversity but endemic forest species" at the international conference of the German Society of Ornithology (DO-G) in Kärnten, Austria.
- 10/2008 – Talk/booklet contribution at the international symposium ‘Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change’ in Bali, Indonesia. Title: "Six years of habitat modification in a tropical rainforest margin do not affect bird species richness but endemic forest species"
Public Outreach Talks
Selected press articles are listed at the end of [this page]
- 2022-Present - Stakeholder workshops related to our research projects ECO-CACAO, ECO-OLIVES and SOUNDS WILD - please see our project page for more information and materials
- 05/2022 - Invited keynote talk/workshop at the 1st Youth Biodiversity Conference in Hainburg, Austria: "Biodiversität schützen und nützen - wie Perspektivenvielfalt Naturschutz (in Österreich) beeinflusst". Invitation: Global Youth Biodiversity Network in Austria (
- 03/2021 - Invited talks in three SkypeAScientist events for undergraduate students in the USA (12 March 2021).
- 12/2020 - Invited talk in a SkypeAScientist event for undergraduate students in Bloomington, USA (08 December 2020).
- 2010-2019 - Principal organizer of 37 farmer workshops in Indonesia (2010-2014) & Austria (2017-2019) – including events from 12 to 160 participants from various stakeholder groups.
- 12/2015 - Prinicpal organizer of the interdisciplinary open science event Cocoa, Chocolate and Wanderlust - Pinacoteca Vienna & FairTravel, Austria/Germany.
- 02/2014 – Prinicpal organizer of the interdisciplinary open science event ‘Xocolatl - Kakao aus den Blickwinkeln antiker Mayakultur und aktueller Wissenschaft’ - University of Göttingen, Germany.