This project description page is still under construction - while we are building it, we provide a basic overview of information and ressouces to the project and are happy to respond to questions and requests. Many thanks for your understanding!
The projects presented here are all part of the AGROECO-DIVERSITY working group of Dr. Bea Maas
The projects presented here are all part of the AGROECO-DIVERSITY working group of Dr. Bea Maas
Our project ECO-OLIVES is located in the region of Monte Pisano nearby Pisa in Italy. This project aims to investigate opportunities for linking biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service management in Mediterranean olive cultivation landscapes. Our study examines the roles of birds, bats, and arthropods in natural pest control across 12 olive groves at local, landscape, and seasonal scales, with a practical approach in collaboration with stakeholders to translate scientific results into sustainable land-use practices. ECO-OLIVES is complemented by the management-based project COMPASS and art-based project SOUNDS WILD, focusing on tree pruning and youth education, respectively.
Information on project partners and participating stakeholders (i.e. olive farming stakeholders in the study area) will follow soon
Information on project partners and participating stakeholders (i.e. olive farming stakeholders in the study area) will follow soon
* SOUNDS WILD Project Abstract (01/2023)
* SOUNDS WILD Instagram Account (03/2023) * SOUNDS WILD YouTube Channel (03/2023) *SOUNDS WILD PROJECT WEBSITE *COMPASS Project Abstract (11/2022) (see further updates in the ECO-OLIVES reports above) *Website of Rym Nouioua (PhD in the project on " Birds, bats and related ecosystem services in an European land use context: linking conservation evidence, agricultural practices and socio-ecological perspectives ") *Website of Tara Hanf-Dressler (PhD in the project on "Birds, bats and arthropods in Mediterranean olive agroforestry systems: functional diversity, multitrophic interactions and socio-ecological implications") |
Our project ECO-CACAO is located in the region of San Martín in the Peruvian Amazon and aims to investigate the ecological and commercial role of genetic diversity of cacao - including wild relatives, in its area of origin. Our main objectives address the highly complex interactions between local management (i.e. diversity of cacao varieties), site conditions (i.e. soil fertility) and landscape structure (i.e. forest distance) affecting pest suppression, pollination services, and crop yields. Specifically, we want to identify key ecosystem processes, relevant tradeoffs and synergies that are critical for the development of efficient and biodiversity-friendly land use practices.
Information on project partners and participating stakeholders (i.e. cacao cooperatives in the study area) will follow soon
Information on project partners and participating stakeholders (i.e. cacao cooperatives in the study area) will follow soon
* ECO-CACAO Project Abstract (02/2022)
*X account of Pablo Aycart (PhD in the project on "Functional diversity and interactions of birds, bats and arthropods in tropical cacao agroforestry systems: linking biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service management") *Website of DIFFcacao - our previous project on biodiversity conservation and management in two other study sites in Peru (2016-2022) |
Information on other projects will be added shortly.
An overview of current projects and topics can be found on the pages "CV & Projects" and "Publications & Press".
An overview of current projects and topics can be found on the pages "CV & Projects" and "Publications & Press".